
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Mashkoor Raza, Famous Painter of Pakistan

Mashkoor Raza  painting of horses      |48" x 72"|   Code: PT: 3418Oil on Canvas

Ejaz Art Gallery: Mashkoor Raza is one of the most celebrated and talented artists of Pakistan who like to paint horses and women a lot. Once a senior artist said “The artist who is capable to draw and paint “A Horse” with its right proportion, and anatomy is a true and qualified Artist”. Mashkoor Raza is known for his Figurative Abstract and has been acknowledged by every viewer as well as artist.

Dutch and French artists tried to incorporated horses in their paintings over the last centuries but not a single one has created such creative and complex abstract compositions with a lively and exciting line work and no one has used such glowing colours in variegated synchronisations like Mashkoor in Pakistan. The majestic animal bears immense fascination for Mashkoor. Horses serve both as a subject and symbol in his paintings. He portrays horses as a symbol of beauty, power and speed. He maximises the impact of his strong drawing skills to establish details in small and large canvases alike. Mashkoor uses the language of colours, which contains a degree of independence from visual references in the real world i-e, Horse s and Women.

The exhibition offers a wide perspective of Mashkoor's work. From images of women to action-packed horses - to calligraphic masterpieces and abstract art pieces, the exhibition encapsulates them all Mashkoor's major artworks are of commendable quality, bold colours combination and fine strokes capture the diverse presentation of women and horse in attractive semi-abstracts paintings while aesthetically beautiful calligraphy is also part of his works. Present at the occasion, the senior writer and art critic, Marjorie Husain praises the efforts of Nadeem Zuberi and said, "Zuberi has documented a fantastic book and he must carry on the good work". 

She affectionately speaks highly of the artworks by Mashkoor Raza. She said, "Mashkoor has a quiet unique style of painting, he has done terrific work. One thing I love about his work is that when you see his work you are actually communicating with him through that work and that's a special quality of him".
Speaking fondly about Mashkoor Raza she said, "Mashkoor is one of my favourite artists. His artworks has something that touches others heart. He is also a great person other than an artist. His bold colours come spontaneously from within. The way he uses strong and light colours in his compositions shows his unparalleled quality". 

Mashkoor has been holding solo exhibitions almost every year since he graduated from Karachi School of Art in Fine Art in 1972 standing first, in the First Division and winning a gold medal. Today he is proud of being one of the school's first graduates. He has also participated in many national and international displays around the globe and his paintings have been selected for the art collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. A large number of art lovers, artists, art students, art critics and collectors visited the gallery and admired Mashkoor Raza's work and the book. 

Exhibtions and Awards Won by Mashkoor Raza: 

1976 Group Show at Pakistan Art Council, Karachi.

1976 Group Show at Karachi “Artists from Sind”

1977 Group Show, Portrait of Iqbal.

1978 Solo Show at Pakistan Art Council, Karachi.

1980 Solo Show at Indus Gallery, Karachi.

1981 National Exhibition by Idara Saqafat-e-Pakistan, Islamabad

1982 Solo Show at Pakistan Art Council, Karachi.

1982 Solo Show at Idara Saqafat-e-Pakistan, Islamabad

1982 Group Show “Paintings from Pakistan” in the U.S.A.

1983 Solo Show at Gallery II, Karachi.

1983 Group Show in Japan through Idara Saqafat-e-Pakistan.

1984 Solo Show at Shakir Ali Musuem, Lahore.

1985 Solo Show at Indus Gallery, Karachi.

1985 2nd Prize, National Exhibition by Idara Saqafat-e-Pakistan.

1986 Solo Show, Idara Saqafat-e-Pakistan.

1987 Solo Show at Sheraton Art Gallery.

1988 Solo Show at Gallery Chawkandi.

1988 Solo Show at Pearl Continental Art Gallery.

1988 Group Show 4th Asian Art Biennals Bangladesh.

Taken part in most Group Exhibitions.

My work is to be found in many Private Collections.

1989 Solo Show at Gallery Chawkandi.

1991 Solo Show at Gallery Chawkandi.

1992 Solo Show at Art Gallery, Islamabad.

1993 Solo Show at Clifton Art Gallery.

1994 Solo Show at Indus Art Gallery.

1995 Solo Show at Clifton Art Gallery.

1996 Solo Show at Artwala Gallery.

1996 Group Show at Mon Art Gallery.

1997 Solo Show at Clifton Art Gallery.

1997 Group Show at IZMIR.

1997 Group Show at Malaysia.

1997 Group Show at Pakistan Art Council, Karachi.

1997 Solo Show at 20th Virsa Gallery ,Islamabad.

1997 Group Show Pakistan Artists at London.

1997 Solo Show at Momart Gallery, Karachi.

1998 Solo Show at Clifton Art Gallery, Karachi

2000 Solo Show at Croweater Gallery, Lahore

2001 Solo Show at Art Gallery, Islamabad

2002 Solo Show at Clifton Art Gallery, Karachi

2003 Solo Show at Clifton Art Gallery, Karachi

2003 Solo Show at Nomad Art Gallery, Islamabad

2004 Solo Show at Aline Finance Art Gallery, Karachi

2004 Solo Show at Croweater Art Gallery, Karachi

2004 Solo Show at Nomad Art Gallery, Islamabad

2005 Solo Show at Gulmohar Art Gallery, Karachi

2006 Show at Hong Kong

2006 Group Show at Delhi from Ejaz Gallery

2007 Solo Show Dubai

2007 Solo Show at Nomad Art Gallery

2008 Native Art Gallery

2009 Solo Show at Nomad Art, Islamabad.

2010 Solo Show at Nomad Art, Islamabad

Besides above exhibitions he has participated in many national and international group shows in USA , Izmir, London, West Germany, Malaysia, India, Bangladesh, Canada, Bahrain and Iran. Painting selected for Paintings Collection at The Albert Museum, London.

The most recent award is The Presidential Pride of Performance in 2007.

If you want to buy this painting please visit Facebook: Ejaz Art Gallery

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